Load Panel Content - jQuery EasyUI Demo Click the refresh button on top right of panel to load content.
这里没有什么要说的了还是两个主要的js文件jquery.min.js和jquery.easyui.min.js最主要的选项是data-options=" tools:[{iconCls:'icon-reload',handler:function(){$('#p').panel('refresh','_content.html')}}] "指定了这个panel的标签样式和加载的页面,执行的动作是refresh。
AJAX Content Here is the content loaded via AJAX.
- easyui is a collection of user-interface plugin based on jQuery.
- easyui provides essential functionality for building modem, interactive, javascript applications.
- using easyui you don't need to write many javascript code, you usually defines user-interface by writing some HTML markup.
- complete framework for HTML5 web page.
- easyui save your time and scales while developing your products.
- easyui is very easy but powerful.
$('#centerContent').panel({ href:"_publish.html?Id="+selectedRow.Id, onLoad:function(){ //alert("aa"); $('#comBusiness').combobox('setValue', selectedRow.Business); if(selectedRow.Business!=null){ $('#comBusiness').combobox('setValue', selectedRow.Business); } if(selectedRow.Solution!=null){ $('#comSolution').combobox('setValue', selectedRow.Solution); } if(selectedRow.Service!=null){ $('#comService').combobox('setValue', selectedRow.Service); } if(selectedRow.About!=null){ $('#comAbout').combobox('setValue', selectedRow.About); } } });